I've started using the Pomodoro Technique as a productivity booster.
For fun, I also ended up making a console Pomodoro Timer called Thyme. There's tmux integration baked right in. You can also extend it with Ruby.
Get it with:
$ gem install thyme
Watch a timer in your tmux status bar:
# vim ~/.thymerc
set :tmux, true
# vim ~/.tmux.conf
set-option -g status-right '#(cat ~/.thyme-tmux)'
set-option -g status-interval 1
The ~/.thymerc
file actually runs any Ruby source code. Thyme has pre/post
hooks, so you can run arbitrary code:
before do
`mplayer ~/flight-of-the-bumble-bee.mp3 &`
after do |seconds_left|
`notify-send -u critical "Thyme's up!"`
There's also an option
method, in case you wanted to add new options to the
option :t, :today, 'open today sheet' do
`vim ~/.thyme_today.md < \`tty\` > \`tty\``
The source code is available via GitHub. Hope you enjoy it!
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